About Us
RemoteAppHosting.Net (RAH) is a minority owned Datacenter hosting company with headquarters in Los Angeles, hosting 1000’s of clients for over 15 years. We support the small business, enthusiast, single and multi users looking to take advantage of the high-availability and simplicity of the hardened datacenter. RAH specialize in providing a seamless hosting environment for customers running off the shelf or custom applications. Our experienced US based team has taken our customers through thousands of successful installations and are available 24×7 after install to support issues and questions. RAH prides itself in 1:1 personalized customer service. Our testimonials, we feel, say it all, where service and our willingness to work hand in hand differentiates us from our competition. Central to our business imperatives are customer satisfaction and peace of mind. We have invested in high-availability Hardware and Software to provide a superior cloud experience while hardening our installations against hackers and malware. We aim to provide our clients with a predictable and reliable server environment where the data is protected, safe, and secure.
Why RAH?
Personalized Support
Don’t worry about the details, we address those. Our US based support staff will guide you through a seamless install experience and remote access setup. Our experts will partner with you to install your Linux and/or Windows applications. Whether the application is proprietary or industry standard each install is treated with an attention to detail and support. Once installed we are only a phone call away to assist where we can.
Small Business Ready
As small businesses adapt to the “new business normal” (COVID, cloud acceleration etc..), the move to the cloud is considered a smart move for many looking to keep expenses manageable while improving flexibility and efficiency. Company employees working remotely versus on premise is now becoming a realized advantage for many businesses. As advances in technology continue, maintaining the office server or workstation is not what the growing business wants to focus on. On-Premise such as under the desk, in the back office, is moving to Off-Premise.
RAH is well positioned to meet the “new normal”, and have invested in the latest generation of Server equipment, software and tools. We know how critical security, safety and reliability is to the small business owner. Our quadruple data protection (RAH-TQ) via Windows Server 2019, RAID, Microsoft Storage Spaces Direct, Fortinet Servers, Veeam offer the ideal hardened environment at a very competitive price. RAH solutions are architected to address todays “new normal” opportunities. Our Tier 3 Datacenter with 99.982% uptime, redundant backup power, backup generator and high-speed bandwidth pipe make us Small Business Ready!!
Investing in Tomorrow
RAH will continue to invest to support the small business, single user, enthusiast, who are driving the growing Off Premise Cloud transition. Our alignment with our hardware equipment provider, Cyber Security and Backup up partners are essential to your piece of mind. No matter how small or big your business, RAH will scale with you.
Call RAH Today – We want to be your preffered hosting partner!!